One to One Coaching

In these tough modern times, countless stress-inducing factors can give self-confidence a severe knocking. We can all to easily lose our sense of self, our sense of direction in life and the ability to navigate what, to some people, are the simplest of life-paths.

How We Work

Suited to your needs, we can work with you 1-2-1 or within a group session and in the comfort of your own home if required.

We provide support seven days a week during the Positive Change For Life course to help support you during a period of change.


  • Increase your confidence and self-esteem
  • Reduce your anxiety
  • Find clarity and direction
  • Unlock your potential
  • Improved outlook and performance


Perhaps you’re finding it impossible to get past the obstacles and hurdles that you are facing.  Maybe you’ve lost your sense of direction in life.

Life can get better!

There are processes throughout life and we have designed our bespoke courses to help you see where you are in those processes and to nudge you off the bit you’re stuck with. We will show you how to smoothly navigate life’s hurdles and grow into the person that deep down you know you really are.

You will learn the basics about yourself to understand your personality type and strengths, discover how to view yourself in a more positive light, identify your natural skills, learn about both positive and negative thought patterns and improve your relationship skills.

Our expert facilitators will increase your self-confidence using our unique self-esteem bank  so you can instantly make better decisions and improve your outlook.

We offer 3 coaching options:

One to One Coaching

Duration:          As required

Cost:                   £100 (+VAT) per hour per person

Who Am I Coaching Program

You may gain more from a thought-provoking 1:1 session than from a group session as you cover more personal content and gain direction in a short space of time. It may be more intense than a group workshop but it can be delivered in the comfort of your own home (including on Zoom) and you will be personally supported all the way through.

Duration:          90 minutes

Cost:                   £120 (+VAT)

Positive Change for Life Coaching Programme (PCFL)

This 6-week course can be the most intense of the workshops as you work through personal feelings and emotions. Each hour is used to its full potential – not a moment is wasted.

We will first help you to complete an initial questionnaire to identify your needs and ascertain whether you require a different approach such as counselling.

Then we work with you at your own pace to identify problems, work out solutions, help you discover what you want from life and set achievable targets to reach your goals. Coaching methods and techniques are pitched to suit each individual’s needs. The coach will undertake background research on your specific requirements / issues before each session.

We provide email, phone and text support from 7.30am to 10pm, 7 days a week during the 6 week programme.

Duration:          1 hour a week for 6 weeks

Location:           Your home or an alternative venue

Cost:                   £750 (+VAT) including out-of-hours support

The Who Am I (WAI)

In these tough modern times, countless stress-inducing factors can give self-confidence a severe knocking. Without that confidence to underpin our actions and to spur us to overcome hurdles, the impact of life’s hard knocks can be devastating. We can all too easily lose our sense of self, our sense of direction in life and the ability to navigate, what to some people, are the simplest of life-paths.

Our successful tried and tested ‘Who Am I?’ workshop helps individuals and small groups to build self-confidence in order to regain control of their lives and choices. The clients will learn the basics about themselves via identification of personality types, learn how to view themselves in a more positive light, discover their natural skills, learn about both positive and negative thought patterns, how to deal with relationships with others and uncover the career path most suited to them.

Using practical demonstration, learner application and group support, our expert facilitators increase individuals self-confidence using the unique self esteem bank, to the extent that they are able to use these methods instantly to make better decisions. This in turn improves the individuals outlooks and chances, for example during interviews etc.

This workshop can be delivered on a 1-2-1 basis or is suitable for a small group of up to 8 people over a period of 2-5 hours.

Although this is a stand alone workshop it can also be used as a cost effective introduction to our Positive Change for Life course.

‘Who Am I’ At Home

This is based on a party plan model where a group of friends/associates can spread the cost between them and organise a ‘Who Am I’ workshop in the comfort of someone’s home. This can be an intimate bonding workshop promoting social interaction, while helping individuals to see how others see them. The course enables participants to learn how to make positive, constructive decisions and create self-worth. The host of the workshop benefits by receiving a free coaching session and participants are given the opportunity to host a workshop themselves or to even become a Licensee.

Talk to us to see how we can assist you to find a package to suit your individual needs.

‘Who Am I’ for New Small Businesses and Social Enterprises

Have you started your own business and want to turn over more money? Do you and your team or business partners want to grow together into the roles that you have created?

If so this WHO AM I personal development course is for you, to help you become the business people you wish to be. You will learn how to:

  • Identify the true value of yourself and your business to ensure you don’t undersell yourself
  • Promote your strengths so that your clients see them too
  • Charge what you’re worth
  • Give up the hard sell and work to your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

1-8 people

2.5 hours

£250 (+VAT) per person. An additional cost will be incurred if RLCI needs to provide the venue.

“Mark, you are one of the most visionary business owners I have met and I am very impressed by the success of your methods.”

Jeremy, Business Owner


“Mark has an incredible and intuitive understanding of people. His passion for helping people shines through and he is so gifted in hitting the nail right on the head! He is a driven and passionate coach and will do whatever it takes to find solutions for people. As a business owner he is driving his business forward to get maximum exposure for the greater good of those he serves.”

Jill, Business Owner


“Mark has overcome his own troubles and now uses his life experience plus his professional qualifications, to help others. Knowledgeable, approachable and comfortable in any environment, he is the ‘go to guy’ for myself and many others when life gets on top of us. The word ‘inspirational’ is over-used, but in Mark’s case it is a true description.”

Robin, Business Owner


Well where do I start. I was at a stage in my life where I needed a little guidance and some reassurance. So I contacted Mark, and I couldn’t be happier that I did. I started with some one to one sessions and straight away Mark put me at ease and was very attentive and listened to everything I had to say! I attended the training course where I met some great inspiring people. The course was fantastic, a great atmosphere and the participation from everyone was amazing, we all felt very comfortable and you could almost see people’s confidence growing In front of you. With no right or wrong answer to any discussion and everyone’s input and view was well respected. I came away from the course feeling inspired and so positive, Mark truly is a Fantastic guy and I would highly recommend this course to anyone. No matter what problem/s, insecurities or troubles you may have. Mark is definitely worth contacting.”

Grant Polson, Cheltenham


“I Attended the who am I workshop, what an amazing insight in to my self ! Left there feeling amazing insightful excited I also found the training day very thought provoking wanted to tell and inspire everyone I new could see how this course could bring out the best in people working on there strengths not there weaknesses, Mark is a great guy with a warm glow , mark has helped me change my life in many ways he inspires me to be the best I can . I think everyone should try this course you’re all be amazed about what you learn about your self ! So what you waiting for !! Xx”

Lisa, Gloucestershire